Gandhi was always looking into his own hidden in- authenticities, whenever he was not able to perform in a bigger game, But,a nation - that too a bewildered one,he was too serious about his sexual issues,he wrote in detail,may be calling it as truth.We are left with trivial issues now roaring back.
It is obvious as a human being that there will be some physical reactions from an organic body like ours if we look into the science, but if we could see the super science of buddha, where he tells his desciples not to see towards a lady from far, if she is near ,not to look at her face , if you are forced then not to look at her eyes, and if at all you have to, then ,move out of that place fast, only then you can win this over this serpent. Hope gandhi didnt know or couldnt for various reasons do all the above said. On the other hand if he was so engrossed into the idea called indian liberation, why was it that he could get such dreams, or was there something like his already famous stature was sure that one day the independence is going to happen but he was verymuch present or made to be present by his media friends to the thought process of physical natural phenomenon.
It is natural for person to be in the middle of everything and try not to be a part of which gandhi tried for and accepted that the kama is going to win over him one day which occured, and he was present to that, but any other leader wouldn't have bothered to write or would have chosen to hide or simply feel this is not so important to spend time on, why gandhi chose to write was may be to express about his holdling on to truth and difficuties he faced hencforth. It looks silly but it takes guts to reveal the issues that too of a man with the kind of recognition that he already gained, it looks odd for anybody as to why did this choose to do all these experiments while he was busy with the entire nation behind him, fighting for independence.
That he lost the battle as he himself puts it , is not forwarding the life any human being but rather confirming that it is ok to fail.
I believe it would take only a great personality like buddha to win over the serpent, because he didnt give up or experiment , he went into the fundamentals of what causes such a behavior, how to overcome the same and he explained to people that he knows a lot but is only talking about issues that will help other beings to emancipate from the suffering,not anything else that is a wastefull glib, What a fabulous effort, how shall I stand to win and also benifit others?! How did Gandhi's veiws on sex help world is my only worry. rather,I would like to read more such stories of all leaders who failed.